Name : Jose Garcia Villa
aka : Doveglion b. Singalong
Birth date : August 5, 1908
Parents : Simeon Villa (Emilio Aguinaldo's physician) and Guia Garcia
Educational Background
Secondary : University of the Philippines (UP) High School
College : UP College of Medicine, University of Mexico and Columbia University
Work Experience
- taught poetry for a while at the City College of New York, 1964- 1973
- worked in the Philippine Mission to the U.N., 1954- 1963 and became the vice consul in 1965
- teach professionals in his Greenwich Village residence
- a collection of poetry was nominated for the Bollingen prize
- received the American academy of arts and Letter's Poetry Award
- the Shelley Memorial Award
- the Guggenheim, Bollingen, and Rockefeller fellowships for poetry
- received honorable in the Commonwealth Literary Awards, 1940
- first prize, UP Golden Jubilee Literary Contest,1958
- an honorary doctorate of literature, Far Eastern University, 1959
- Rizal Pro Patria Award, 1961
- Republic Cultural Heritage Award for poetry and short story, 1962
- honorary doctorate in literary form the UP, 1973
- On 12 June 1973, Villa was named National Artist in Literature
- Philippine fiction critic
- made a selection of the best Philippine short stories in English as published in various
periodicals in the country. Inclusion in the list was deemed an honor and a recognition that one
had “arrived” in Philippine literature
- introduced his poetic innovations: the comma poems and reversed consonance
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